
Showing posts from January, 2023

Worklife hack for less meetings and/or more productive meetings

 We've recently been brainstorming in our management circle to improve our time management.   As we, like I believe everyone these days, have so many meetings in our hybrid work days. We then end up not paying as much attention in these meetings as we should or not getting to the work that we are supposed to be getting to. We came up with this simple hack when scheduling a meeting yourself or when receiving an invite, request the organizer to include these 2 items in the description: Have an Agenda about what needs to be discussed Include a list of Required Outcomes / Decision Points by the end of the meeting The effect should intentionally be that only the relevant people will be included, or that you can decline a meeting where you can see that you clearly are not needed in, or ideally keep the meeting on point and most important of all it would have made sure that this meeting was really necessary in the first place and couldn't have been replaced by just sending a message o

The CLI Series part 2 : Angular

  The CLI Series part 2 :  Angular Disclaimer Please take the information presented below with a pinch of salt. As we know , technology is ever developing and expanding and as such concepts and commands and understandings may radically change or become deprecated.  All information contained herein is subject to interpretation and cross verification and should not be taken as fact or best practice NOTE : This guide is meant for the windows environment , but its concepts and tools should easily transfer to the mac and linux environments as well. Angular  pre-requisites An IDE capable of interpreting , compiling and executing nodejs code and angular cli commands I use VSCODE as my main editor when working with anything javascript related A stable version of nodejs installed  At time of writing this , the version I have installed is v12.18.2 The angular cli installed At time of writing this , the version I have installed locally is v8.0.3 The appropriate authorities and permissions to exe

The CLI Series: NPM

The CLI Series:  NPM Disclaimer Please take the information presented below with a pinch of salt. As we know , technology is ever developing and expanding and as such concepts and commands and understandings may radically change or become deprecated.  All information contained herein is subject to interpretation and cross verification and should not be taken as fact or best practice NOTE : This guide is meant for the windows environment , but its concepts and tools should easily transfer to the mac and linux environments as well. NodeJs and NPM pre-requisites An IDE capable of interpreting , compiling and executing nodejs code and npm commands  I use VSCODE as my main editor when working with anything javascript related A stable version of nodejs installed  At time of writing this , the version I have installed is v12.18.2 The appropriate authorities and permissions to execute various commands and scripts on your machine A nodejs based project to test these scripts that can be easily r

Semantic-versioning: An infographic explaining the popular versioning system

Semantic-versioning Semantic versioning: Semantic versioning (also referred as SemVer) is a versioning system that has been on the rise over the last few years. Having a universal way of versioning the software development projects is the best way to track what is going on with the software  Semantic Versioning is a 3-component number which is represented by the infographic below Major version / release - Increment the first digit by 1 if the new features break backwards compatibility/current features Minor version / release - Increment the middle digit by 1 if the new features don’t break any existing features and are compatible with the app in its current state. Patches / bug fixes - Increment the last digit by 1 if you’re publishing bug/patch fixes to your app.